Exploring the Grampians National Park

About hiking in the Grampians National Park – Travel log no. 58

I woke up early in the morning. Most of my clothes were wet. The tent we slept in was not only too short but also leaked in many spots. So I got out around 6 am and watched the wild life around the lake.

After a good breakfast with bacon and eggs we drove off to explore the Grampians National Park. At the tourist information we were able to shower and wash of the cold from a night full of rain. The people here are really friendly and help full. I think I never saw so well organized tourist information with public restrooms and showers. Not to mention that everything is for free!

At the tourist information in Dunkeld I got to chat a little bit with the couple who runs the place. They didn’t only have good advice but also shared tasty potato pie with me.

We first stopped by the Piccaninny one of the first mountains in the Grampians. Mountains is actually the wrong description since they are only about 300m high.

Mount Abrupt, Victoria
View on the Mount Abrupt. The tip of the mountain is covered in clouds. Fortunately it didn’t rain again that day.
Piccaninny, Victoria
Florian and Tobias looking into the valley below from the top of the Piccaninny.

Afterwards we checked out an Aboriginal Art Gallery in the center of the park.

Close to that place we came over a beautiful lake and a lot of wildlife.

Bellfield Lake, Victoria
The Bellfield lake with old trees which got swallowed by the water.
Emu, Grampians.
Some Emus grazing in the back and a Kangaroo drinking from a waterhole.
Kangaroo, Grampians.
Some Kangaroos in front of a mountain range in the Grampians National Park.

At night we camped in the park and had delicious French Dinner. After some good drinks and chats I was finally able to fall asleep in my hammock again.