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Discovering new Mutual Horizons!

Broaden your horizon by joining me on my journey around the world with daily text and photo updates.

Discovering new horizons!

Broaden your horizon by joining me on my journey around the world with daily text and photo updates.

“The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.”

Shirley MacLaine

About me:

Hi, my name is Tobi Stricker!

I quit my job end of February 2017 to pursue my dream: Traveling the world. On my blog Mutual Horizons I want to give you an update on the things I experience as well as my personal photo of the day. In addition to that I will also share with you some general things I learned and experienced in form of longer articles for your benefit.


One thing that I’ve learned during my travels so far then it is that, like Shirley MacLaine said, people are not as different than you might think. It is my mission to inspire you as my reader to go out there and see for yourself. Life can be frustrating in times where our political leaders and media try to rise the fear for what is different and try to keep it out by shutting down the borders. To counter that it is even more important to raise the cultural understanding and acceptance with positive media.


It is my vision to take a part in that by interviewing people on my travel to show not the differences, but the similarities to you my reader. In addition to that I will also ask these locals about their favorite places to go to and also about some inside tips to come up with short and pragmatic travel guides for their home town. Often when I go to new places I only have one or two days to stay and not enough time to read pages of guides. But I still want to know something about the people, the main stream sights and have some insider tips. I will provide you with these short guides based on the knowledge of people who actually live in these cities. 

I am happy to also upload travel guides like these from your home town. Or are you interested in meeting up or taking active part in my adventure feel free to contact me!

“Only together we can make this world a better place, let’s start the journey into new Mutual Horizons!”



Travel Log

My travel log gives you daily updates on my journey. At the end of every day I will make a short post containing my personal highlights as well as the photo of the day.


My blog features longer articles about things I learned during my travels which I want to share with my reader to their benefit.

Local Guide

This section features pragmatic and short city guides based on interviews with locals I met on my way for cultural understanding, top main stream sights and insider tips.

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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