Learning Scuba Diving on Koh Tao

Exploring the underwater world as well as the beautiful island – Travel log no. 90

Early in the morning I left Phuket excited to see a different place. Especially because the trip was just supposed to take 6 hours. Finally when boarding the ferry I realized something must be wrong.

Ferry, Koh Tao
When I saw the bunk beds I realized they were probably not just meant for a more comfy way of transport.

In the morning at 6 am I finally arrived. Nearly 24 hours later. Nevertheless I checked into Davy Jones Locker to start my open water dive course the next day.

Afterwards I used the rest of the day to explore the island by scooter.

Main Beach, Koh Tao
Walking along the main beach of Koh Tao is really relaxing. Don’t judge it on the first sight though the beach turns into a party strip at night.
Freedom Beach, Koh Tao
The beautiful Freedom Beach on the other more remote side of the island.
Mission Beach, Koh Tao
Always blessed with the best weather, pointing out the dark blue sky on the horizon.
Viewpoint, Koh Tao
Sometimes kind of hard to get to by scooter, but the viewpoints on the mountains are truly amazing. Here the view into the valley were I stayed.
Twins, Koh Tao
The Twins, a little island off shore from Koh Tao. Not only photogenic on the surface, but also one of the main dive sites.

After a day of exploring the island I spend a whole week on my dive education. Definitely the most exciting part of my stay on the island.

Diving, Koh Tao
A little introduction saison on the bottom of the ocean.
Diving, Koh Tao
Floating weightless through the depths exploring the dive site.
Group, Koh Tao
A picture of the group. From left to right: Fish, Lana, Jeremy, myself, Liv, Ehsan and our instructor James at the bottom.

Diving was so much fun that I directly started my Advanced right after my open water course. All in all it is just like exploring a completely different world down there. But what could better describe it than animated pictures, so see for yourself:

(Password = “scuba”)

A big shout out to Jacob Hunter from Koh Tao Provideos for creating these awesome videos. Finally a big thanks goes to James, Fish, Ehsan and Nick from DJL!