Living in Blumenau, Brasil

My time working and living in Brasil

After my time in Switzerland I moved to Blumenau Brasil for a work related assignment in January 2020. Besides work I was able to experience a new culture make great friends and see many beautiful places. Within this post I would like to write about my highlights.

Bird view of the city Blumenau in Santa Catarina
Bird view of the city Blumenau in Santa Catarina

First of all the city Blumenau within the state Santa Catarina is situated south of the country. The name doesn’t sound German for no reason. It was founded in 1850 by German settlers. Most of the population has therefore German heritage. While taking Uber rides it seemed like every fifth ride I was able to communicate in German. Furthermore the city is based in a valley with a river surrounded by dense jungle.

Flying over Blumenau on my first days in the city
Downtown Blumenau with the shopping center Havan
Downtown Blumenau with the shopping center Havan

Still it can be hard to get in contact with the very open and friendly people because english is rare and most of the people only speak Portuguese. Luckily I made many friends at work and I was also able to improve my Portuguese quickly. I was also able to join the local rowing club.

Upstream, hanging out with friends
Impression of the dense jungle outside Blumenau

During my time in Blumenau I was also able to take different short trips on the weekend with friends. My highlights were the following:

Morro Azul

Close to Blumenau is a mountain called Azul which is known for its beautiful sunrise. I went there with my friends one morning after we partied the night through at Ahoy! a local rock club.

A little blurry drown caption of Morro Azul and my crew
On good days it is possible to even see the ocean from up here
Either you get up early or you outlast the night for this stunning view

Morro Spitzkopf

Even closer to Blumenau but way harder to get to is Morro Spitzkopf. Named by its German discoverers for its peaky top, it takes not only an one hour car ride but also a two hour climb to get to the top. We even got especially lucky because it rained for most of the time. Still we had a great view from the top.

The view from the top into the valley
Another drone capture from the top of Morro Spitzkopf


Probably the most beautiful island, but also the capital of Santa Catarina is Florianópolis. Also called Floripa by the locals. It is situated about 2 hours car drive East of Blumenau. Even though the car drive out there is an adventure for itself it is a definite must see.

The island offers a wide range of beautiful beaches, extensive hiking trails and nature but also urban city life
Drone flight over the center of the island
A drone capture from the rural south of the island
Circling around the south most peak
Finally a view on the island from the main land off a hiking trail


North to Floripa is a peninsula called Bombinhas. Its a natural reserve and also a little bit harder to get to. After crossing a dirt road over the top of a little mountain you get to the flat valley of the peninsula. One side is a natural harbor and on the other side a long white sand beach can be found. On the far end is another mountain with a nice short hike to the top of Morro Macaco (Monkey Mountain).

Drone capture from the top of Morro Macaco with a nice view on the peninsula
A little drone flight over the Morro Macaco

Guarda do Embaú

South of Floripa the country side gets more an more rural. It is easy to find little alternative surfer communities. Just like in Guarda do Embau. As being known as one of the top surf spots Brasil does not only offer beautiful beaches. I came here on the last weekend before Corona broke out in Brasil. I couldn’t have been closer to paradise, but see for yourself:

Caption of sand dunes and and empty beaches until the horizon
View from the top of Guarda do Embaú
Caption of the night sky from the less light polluted areas of Brasil
View from the top
Caption of the beach from the bird perspective

Even though I had to leave Brasil earlier than expected I had a great time. Thanks for everyone who participated in making this one special.

I hope I will be able to return some time and if you have the chance, go and enjoy!