Driving through Coorong National Park

About pelicans and Australia’s history – Travel log no. 61

This morning we had something to celebrate. Florian turned 30 over night. So we made the biggest sponsor of our expedition pancakes for breakfast.

Afterwards we hiked to the Coorong National Park beach. If you look up the park you will discover that it is like a little island stream in front of  main land of South Australia. The white sand dunes remembered me pretty much of back home and I got a little bit home sick.

While driving along the Coorong National Park further North we came by the beautiful Long Point. There we were able to watch the Australian pelicans from close up.

Pelican, Long Point
A swarm of pelican flying over the Long Point and our lunch table.

The birds seem to be way bigger than their American relatives and are colored in grey and white.

Pelican, Coorong National Park
Another swarm of pelican gliding close over the water along the Coorong National Park in the back.

Later that day we came by the mission which is shown on Australian’s $50 bill. Aboriginals were kept in the missions after the colonization through Britain in order to christianize them.

Still solely Aboriginals live in these neighborhoods. You have a feeling of being in an Native American Reservoir. So we left the place pretty quickly.

At night we had a nice dinner with Kangaroo Steaks in a camping place in the mid of wine fields. It would have been really beautiful if it wouldn’t have been raining the whole night. But we made the best of it.

I am excited to write more about our trip to Kangaroo Island the next day.