Rare weather phenomenons in Los Angeles
Exploring Chinatown, Venice and Santa Monica – Travel log no. 28
After an extensive breakfast and chat with Dough we left Palm Springs to drive down to LA.
Again we were fortunate to experience a really rare weather in California. It was raining the whole day in the sunny state. We managed to return our tent at Walmart and drove to Chinatown to get some Pho at Pho 87.
With a full belly we drove down to Venice Beach. The weather remained the same. At least the promenade was completely empty, but some sun wouldn’t have done any harm.
After 20 days I finally made it from the Atlantic to the Pacific! We checked out the Santa Monica Peer and checked into the HI Hostel. It’s suppose to be the best hotel in 2016 and my first Hostel stay ever! We just attended a comedy show and will check out the nightlife in LA in a bit.
Tomorrow it’s time to say good bye to Annika and Eric. I will need to figure out how to sell my car and slowly drive up North to San Francisco. Hoping for sunnier days.