Settling down in Brisbane

About cleaning doorknobs and toilets– Travel log no. 80

After Hendrik left I had one long week of rain to figure out my upcoming itinerary. I already felt weary after traveling since February. I felt like finally settling down and getting back routine. It’s funny that one always seeks for what he doesn’t have. Especially since routine was one of the reasons why set off in the first place.

Since work is also a big part of the backpacker experience I didn’t want to miss out. Already after the first night in Brisbane I found a job at Summer House Backpackers. The job was to clean the toilets 15 hours per week in exchange for accommodation.

In addition to that I found a job as a door-to-door salesmen at Hello Fresh. Right on Monday the week after I started to work. The job at HelloFresh was time consuming. We drove out to the suburbs to work 11 hours a day to selling boxes with food ingredients. Furthermore the job was only paid by commission. Never the less the people were great. I made some really good friends.

The downside of my work arrangements were though that I had to spend my weekend cleaning. After two weeks of working everyday cleaning shitters and doorknobs I realized I studied for a reason. I started to feel a little bit homesick and decided to find a fix day to get back to Germany to finally start my career. So I booked a return flight to Europe begging of September. My plan was to spend the rest of my time traveling Asia. After celebrating my 25th birthday with BBQ on the rooftop of the hostel I left Brisbane.

After 3 weeks of hostel life in Brisbane, meeting many cool people I was excited for new adventures. Before leaving Australia for good I should meet up with an old friend to get insights into the surfer life.

Brisbane Skyline, Australia
View from the rooftop of the hostel on the skyline of Brisbane.