Driving off to the white sands desert in New Mexico

Meeting up with my sister and exploring the White Sands  – Travel log no. 21

After watching the beautiful sun rise over the Chisos a last time I drove off further westwards.

Sun rise Chisos, Texas
Sunrise over the Chisos from my bedroom.

On the way I came by this funny piece of art. It is a Prada shop in the middle of nowhere.

Prada, Texas
Prada in the middle of the desert. Can you find me in this picture?

During the night it was relatively cold, sleeping in the hammock on the patio. But out in El Paso it was unbearable hot. I think I have a couple of new sun burns.

Finally I arrived in Las Cruces I met up with my sister and Erik. We packed the car and drove off to the White Sands desert.

The sunset picture in the title was taken in the park. Today we are going to drive out to Tucson Arizona.

The desert was beautiful and the sand unexpected cold. I was good to relax my feet walking bar foot through the desert after the long hike and drive.

White Sands Desert, New Mexico
The desert after the sun set. Everything is colored in red and orange.

Can’t wait to see the deserts of Arizona and to travel together with my sister.