Westwards along the Great Ocean Road

Leaving Melbourne on an adventure full of scenic views, tropical animals and camping– Travel log no. 54

I got up this day full with excitement for the up coming adventure. After checking out at 10 am I met up with my friend Florian. We packed the car and met up with our travel companions. A girl from France and a boy with the name of Tobias from Germany.

We stocked up on Aldi supplies and I finally hit the road again.

At first we stopped by Torquay to check out the Ripped Curl Surfing Cup on Bells Beach. We just hiked a little bit around and watched some impressive surfing from far away.

Finally we got onto the Great Ocean Road which we intend to take until Adelaide. The views just got more and more scenic. During lunch break at Split Point I took the following pictures.

Split Point, Victoria
Shot from the Great Ocean Road in the direction of Melbourne. We were passing through beautiful beaches which get replaced by scenic cliffs and so on.
West, Split Point, Victoria
The view westwards is not less impressive. So far the experience is topping other scenic drives I took before, but maybe because I can finally enjoy the ride as a passenger.
Lighthouse, Split Point
The Lighthouse which is overlooking the Split Point from where I took the previous two pictures.

Afterwards we drove off to Lorne where I was able to engage with native wildlife the first time.

Koala, Teddy's Lookout
A koala feasting in the Eucalyptus trees at Teddy’s Lookout.

The sunset from up here through the eucalyptus trees wasn’t less impressive.

Sunset, Lorne
Sunset Teddy’s lookout.

We had our first camping experience in the wood.

Lorne, Victoria
Our campsite in the woods around Lorne with my hammock and our campfire.

Cooking was a real adventure since we were out of gas. But the fireplace was a good replacement even though it took us 2 hours to finish the pasta. But it wouldn’t be fun without the challenge.