Jack Daniels and the Smoky Mountains
Riding through the Smoky’s at night – Travel log no. 6
I woke up relatively late that day around 10 am, which was fatal as you will read later on. First I explored Nashville a little bit. On Broadway I visited Tootsies, one of the most famous bars. The Broadway is known for it’s Country music bars. Many of the big stars like Jonny Cash and Taylor Swift became famous here.
Live Music is performed here night and day even Monday Morning at 11 am. Nobody wants to miss out the chance to become the next Taylor Swift. Although the audience is pretty scarce at least so early during the weekdays.
After dropping some compassion quarters in the tip boxes of the musicians I drove off to the Jack Daniels distillery. Unfortunately I had to wait an hour for the next tour, so I went to downtown Lynchburg and met a really nice Dutch couple. We had some potato soup at Nina’s. They ended up in the States through horse riding. Nowadays they have their own Lavender farm with bed and breakfast. At 3 pm I started the Angel tour which features a tasting of Jack’s premium brands. The tour was really cool and you get to see all the important places. Did you know that all the whisky is sourced from the single source up in the title picture? The cave provides all the water to produce the most selling Whisky in the world.
In the end of the tour you finally get to taste the Whisky in a Barrel House. The barrels are stored three stores high which was already impressive, but the taste of the Whisky was even better. Even though it’s made with corn.
It was 5 pm when the tour ended and I realized in shock that I still had 5 hours drive in front of me. In addition I would loose another hour by transferring into a different time zone. The drive through the Smoky’s was fun though. All the mountain roads were empty and driving through them felt a little like these old 90’s racing games. I probably also drove a little bit too fast from time to time. Bummer though that it was pitch dark and I couldn’t see a thing of the beauty of the mountains. I met up with my host in Asheville at midnight and we had a little midnight snack and roasted a batch of coffee. He is a big coffee enthusiast. Can’t wait to see the Smoky’s during daylight tomorrow!